Choose Life
We are all motivated to change by different things. Unfortunately, too many of us wait until we have suffered so much loss that our only hope for recovery is change.
I have heard it said that the greatest cause of mental disorders is the human determination to avoid pain. Avoidance is a natural human response to pain, but it’s contrary to God’s word. God tells us that our “struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephes. 6:12) Pain is not caused by individuals, but by the enemy. Satan hates us, and will do everything he can to destroy us (Jo. 10:10). He uses pain, in all forms, to convince us that there is no hope. But God, knowing this tactic of the enemy, instructs us to fight back! “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.” (2 Cor. 10:3) Avoidance ultimately leads only to failure. “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.” (Prov. 18:1) God is continually using whatever means necessary to get our attention. Sometimes He uses mercy and grace to open our hearts. He can also use the prayers of others. However, the one thing that none of us likes is God’s use of pain to motivate us to change (Rev. 3:19). We are ineffective to the Kingdom if we are not submitted to His maturing process. |
Don’t resist God’s attempts to change you into the person He created you to be. No matter what hand life has dealt you, we all suffer pain and loss. God never promised that the Christian life would be without pain. Pain is the enemy’s ultimate attempt to keep the believer from fulfilling his purpose.
I’ve also heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing things the same way while hoping for different results. When you find yourself facing the same situations over and over, maybe it’s time to do things differently – God’s way. Choose Life! (Deut. 30:19). Jesus is Life. You don’t have to figure it out yourself. Don’t let the burden of past hurt and failure determine your future. Seek His ways of dealing with life’s ups and downs. He says, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (Jo. 10:10) If you don’t want to fight for yourself, fight because Jesus paid the price so that we can have the life He created us to have. Don’t reject the gift that He gave you. There is victory in God’s ways. Prayer: Lord, I know You are aware of my pain, even if I cannot understand it myself. Help me understand that this struggle is the enemy's attempt to rob me of all the things Jesus died to give me. Help me learn to walk in the spirit so that I can fight this spiritual battle. Give me wisdom, knowledge, strength and endurance to gain the victory. Amen. Copyright 2010 From My Heart To Yours |