Travel Time
I think about how many of my own goals I have yet to achieve. I also realize that half my life is behind me and there are years that I cannot even account for. I was so focused on the next big step that, somewhere along the way, I lost the ability to focus on the walk. Read more...
A Home for the Lonely
As I approach the turn of another decade of life, I look back and realize that this is a pivotal time. At 19, I left the safety of living with my parents to venture out into the punishing and sometimes cruel world alone.
Read more... Through His Eyes
Am I good enough? How can I be loved by God knowing what I have done? Perhaps you have difficulty seeing others through God’s eyes.
Read more... Who Am I?
I have experienced three deaths in the past nine months, the loss of my full-time job, the loss of my part-time job, and the loss of my dreams. Jobless, husbandless, broke… who am I? Read more...
You Were There
There are times in life where you feel so alone. You don’t know where to turn or if anyone even cares. Read more...
Unholy Bug
Are you constantly striving to be holy and impart your holiness to others who desperately need it? Many say that they need to be around the sinner’s environment in order to “minister” to them. After all, Jesus ate with the tax collectors. Are you putting yourself in harm’s way by this way of thinking? Read more...
The Pruning Process
... God... loves you so much that He is willing to let you suffer so that you will turn to Him to give you what you truly need. Read more...
It's Not About Me... Really?
Have you ever found yourself sitting around waiting for life to happen? When is God going to give me the desires of my heart? Read more...
Stop! Turn Around
Have you ever gotten yourself into a sinful situation and felt there is no way out? Read more...
Resolve to Surrender
How many of you make New Year’s Resolutions? How many of you will actually keep them? Personally, I stopped making resolutions years ago because I never had the willpower to successfully keep them. Read more...
Don't Grow Weary
Have you ever wondered when your time would come? You've been faithfully serving the Lord for years, fervently pursuing His will in your life. Somehow, things are not unfolding exactly the way you had planned. Read more...
Looking for the Fruit
Have you ever crossed paths with someone in your life and wanted to know if they were truly godly? For a single person, this is an especially critical issue in qualifying a potential mate. Read more...
Get Off the Fence
We will all have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ one day. Do we want our lives to be such that we never had an impact and that God will be disgusted with us? Read more...
God is in Control
Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Read more...
Your Will Be Done
Do you ever stop to wonder sometimes, "God, why do I keep making the same mistakes? When am I going to learn?" Read more...
Seeing the Perfect Will of God
I can truly say that for the first 28 years of my life, I felt no joy. I didn't know what true happiness was. Read more...
Wandering, But Not Lost
There are many Christians who have been, or are going through, a "dry spell." They may even have fallen back into sin. Read more...
The Apple of His Eye
There are so many women who do not fully realize their value. Some go into marriages "settling" for what they feel is the best they can do... Read more...